ASCENT Invites You to Post Your Aspiration
Then watch what happens…
Ascent promotes peak living — an energized state of being that occurs as you live in the direction of your highest aspirations.
Many wisdom teachers have shown us that an aspiration is the living fire within us. Declaring it ignites and sets it free to grow into an outer reality. When you decide to live your fire… you begin to change.
Just as you might light a candle in a sacred place, we invite you to enter your aspiration here. Then stay alert for course changes — intuitions, so-called “coincidences” — that will move you toward your new life.
My aspiration is to create a camp for kids who struggle every day with anxiety disorders. (You guys are my heroes.)
I aspire to write my first two (admittedly short) novels in 2012.
I would like to make even more connections, following on from the beautiful minds and people I’ve met this past year, and pursue my heart’s delight of sharing information, beauty, laughter, challenges, and inspiration. And if I could also make this my life’s work as well as my joy, so much the better!
My aspiration is to get my book “Homework – A Parent’s Guide To Helping Out Without Freaking Out!” into the hands of as many parents as possible.
My aspiration came through my commute this morning. I thought how I drove the same road hundreds of times in 2011. I should be able to follow the road with my eyes closed. Then I thought, “Wait. Could I do it with my eyes closed?” No, of course not. I wouldn’t make it out the driveway. I aspire to learn how to live 2012 with my eyes open. To be open to new and familiar people, relationships, and ideas. To pay simple attention to whatever is in front of me. Last year I learned the hard way. When I shut my eyes, everything came screeching to a halt. Thanks.
This is the year that I will get my memoir done. Starting with the writers intensive workshop in January…and a writers’ circle class I take, I’m so excited for what 2012 can bring! It will be a wonderful adventure!
I aspire to make time to write this book that is simmering inside me !
I aspire to be free. Free from the fear of loneliness. Free from condemnation. Free from shame and humiliation. Free to soar on the wings of eagles knowing God will not let me stumble and fall. Free to dream, to write, to speak and to inspire by sharing the truth God has been putting into my heart. This morning I claim Isaiah 54: 4-8 and aspire to live it out in 2012.
Do everything in my power to get my book published while at the same time handing the manuscript over to the universe to fulfill whatever purpose it can for everyone’s higher good.
To teach classes on transformation through the creative arts.
I aspire this year to find the tipping point for my dreams. To allow myself to say no so that I can find time to seek my future, To go beyond the barricade to a world I long to see.
My aspirations are a few that I hope will eventually connect together. First I want to finish my book on Parental Alienation and how I survived and grew from it both as the child and as the parent. I want to do talks for people and work with people who are going through the same thing to show that there is a way out of the darkness, and maybe even have it progress to healing seminars. Finally, I have always wanted to own, run and be a part of a healing center for all ages, walks of life and times of life from children to mid-lifers to elders. I want to be a conduit to the healing and changes that are going on at this time on our planet now.
My aspiration is to become more open-minded. I want my first instinct to become one of trust, rather than immediate cynicism. I want to be nicer. I want to give and receive more hugs. My hope is to put a smile on someone’s face at least once a day. Maybe it will be you!
I want to climb that tree that captivated me when I was young. I want to write. I want to silence the continual mantras that whisper in my ear saying ” you have nothing to say that anyone would ever care about.” I have come to believe these are lies my soul hater likes to discourage me with. I got sick this past weekend and was unable to attend the January workshop… Still I wrote daily… I wrote through fever and coughing. I wrote through frustration and ice. Some pieces were pitiful and flat. Others, like my deep coughs made me feel better once the stuff they brought up –was out. Word songs must be written but first my ability must be refined. Sure, I have mastered tight rope walking on the lines of my kitchen floor –but its time I learn to walk with confidence and balance now up high above the fray. I know this. There is a restlessness that urges me forward, an annoyance with silence and head nodding. I will climb on. Though my legs ache as I stretch placing each foot in the next valley of its trunk. I am getting there. I see tiny branches silhouetted against the sky. Seeing them up close fills me with fear. They are thin. Intuitively I know, they could never hold me. Starting to lose faith, a slight breeze blows the hair from my face and suddenly I see the tallest bough. Gazing at it with raw aspiration, He beckons me “Come on up.”
My aspiration is to connect fully with my livelihood ~ the sacred work that allows me to use my gifts and passions to serve this world And be financially compensated for it.
I aspire to finish writing the book I’ve started, making it thorough, meaningful and balanced.
To write books that empower others to bring healing into their lives.
My aspiration is excellent health, a completed 2nd book that is truly an inspiration for many, and settling into a good community by the end of 2012 (if not this spring!)
To be aware that I have control of what I will do today…. what I will chose to feel and do. To move in the direction of what feels good and right. Then with the rest of the pieces scattered in my wake, to do two things: Know that the universe is taking care of all the details necessary to my life. If details are not being taken care of, if they are falling by the wayside, maybe I don’t need them? Maybe it is a message? Can I begin to pick up these messages and respect them? Or do I need to continue to feel they are signs that I must dig in and take charge and make something happen? Is there any other way? More questions than answers, but all good questions! Thanks David for opening up windows to the beautiful darkness as well as the light!
it is my aspiration to live fully in my basic goodness. to drop away the old habit of feeling unworthy, and let my inner beauty and radiance and shine through. it is my aspiration to attract the unconditional love that i give so freely and generously, into my own life, that i may partner with a person who sees, honors, and fosters my spirit, always.
My aspiration is to provide a space for others to experience themselves in a different way in relation to their current stories and further to re author new ones that assist in that process … my more pointed goal in this vein is to assist those who have been adopted to own their own identity as they choose to write it, not as the community at large, adoptive or biological parents or anyone else would write it. No one gets to choose that script for someone else … my work, my future writing is all about that.
With the birth of my book “The Conscious Athlete” closer to happening, I am now aspiring to have it lead a series of workshops around the country (maybe even the world) and help athletes in all sports see with new eyes (maybe even with their heart and soul) how they can be not just show up better at their sport, but show up better in their lives. I have found not only my purpose, but feel empowered to make it happen. Thank you David for seeing this book inside me and helping it to come out!
My aspiration is to start each day acknowledging my blessings and then live that day to its fullest potential. I wear a blessings bracelet to remind myself that family, health, physical surroundings, and relationships are what nurture my soul. I would also add creativity to that list, because writing has given me a conduit with which to touch the world.
I aspire to transform the experiences, emotions, knowledge and spirituality that have become part of who I am over seventy years into the kind of writing that inspires, shapes and satisfies the reader.
I aspire to get very clear on the intent of my book and get into the practice of being a writer.
To thrive doing what I do best and impact my world in a positive way. Specifically, I would like to write an excellent paper on the research I presented last May at the Voice Foundation, research and gather data for my next project on the musical theatre job market, sing Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder with the Sao Paulo University Orchestra within a year, continue giving masterclasses nationally on CCM voice technique, successfully impement a flipped course on vocal anatomy using online lectures for next semester, keep playing guitar and banjo and learning music for an eventual public showing.
To become a full time writer.
I aspire to combine my love of scripture and photography with my journals and write a book that will introduce, ignite and invite others into an amazing relationship and adventure in prayer.
I aspire to live and speak my truth…consciously, compassionately, clearly, completely. I aspire to focus on rebuilding my finances I aspire to have the courage to reclaim my life, my dreams, my Divine path. I aspire the be mindfully present.. In the NOW…. With gratitude. I aspire to expand my meditation and healing practices I aspire to remember to take time to dance, with abandon, by the light of the moon.
I aspire to bravely put my mind-body health book out into the world, and to step more fully into the spiritual leader role that I was always meant to be.
To continue to write so that when I am gone and forgotten, my words will live on to uplift, inspire, and give hope to others. I will not be held back by those who tell me to ‘be quiet,” but will speak out. The lessons of life are universal, but sometimes difficult to see. Being able to express those lessons through the written word so others may see, gives me pleasure and joy. I will move in the direction of light and anticipation, without fear of failing, and will attempt to live life to its fullest each day, starting with meditation.
to put the fear down, and follow my heart without having to know where i’m going.
Stay off Facebook and other time wasters that will not add to or improve my life! To be able to be more focused this year. To lay down things (and people) that are draining me of energy… Write more Listen more Act more on my own gut for myself and not just “for others” best interest. and what should have been first on the list. Spend more time in The Word, researching what I want to dig for, learn and grow in.
My aspiration, and commitment for 2013 is to mute the ‘tethers’ of brokenness and the acceptance of status quo that seeps into all facets of my life when those binding forces have their say; in my relationships, profession, and creative expressions in writing. Roger
To finish my book to inspire more people to live authentically in their own skin, to inspire the world with their gifts, to IMAGINE a world of pure love in body, mind and spirit. Just Imagine if you will!
For the coming year, 2013, I resolve to write every day and to share more of my writing. I won’t worry how it’s received nor will I think well of myself but will try to follow the middle way between dedication and discouragement. I will try to be kind in all my relationships, as well as with myself, keeping in mind that all we all yearn, suffer and strive.
Convinced that nobody gets through life without something (no matter how big or small) I will be working on book “Everybody Has Something” – a compilation of stories about the troubles, hardships and hiccups that we encounter on the road called life. If you would like to share your story with me, send an email to
I am a former journalist, and I want to be an author. I long to feel the sense of accomplishment I had when one of my stories was published. Now I’m recently widowed, and I see a long journey ahead of me. Maybe I can find joy in taking one of the many ideas in my head and turning it into a book. I aspire to find focus and healing by writing what’s in my soul and my heart.
I aspire to try and let go of my inner voice that tells me I cannot and to listen and embrace the new voice desperately trying to tell me I CAN! 🙂
one of my 2013 aspirations involves conncting the truth of the Gospel to the heart of tens of thousands! To that end, I will publish a book called DIREctions; providing Godly guidance to generations of men who will shine with righteous radiance.
To see my book successfully published in 2013.
To be an encourager. To work for me, encouraging others using tools that I am passionate about. Books, Words, Yarn, Vision Boards, Social Media.
I aspire to have my life – relationships, health, and creative endevours of writing, glassworks, and multimedia art soar to extraordinary new heights!
I aspire to complete and self-publish a mystery book I started for Camp NanoWriMo in July. I also aspire to start my own travel magazine, but I have no idea where to begin.
To sell all 1,000 Garden Gourmet: Fresh & Fabulous Meals cookbooks… And to get an agent to sell future books to publishers, rather than having to self publish and do all the marketing and distribution myself. .
My historical fiction 100,000 page story, Cut From Strong Cloth, has gone through final revision and my goal in 2014 is to either snag an agent – or publish it myself. Without David Hazard, my story would still be only an oral memory of my mother’s family.
My aspiration is to write my life struggles and sufferings…..and the hope that go with these struggles…the hope that need to be shared and seen by those who lost it. In prayer, I aspire to help the poor, hopeless, discouraged and afraid
to get into a PhD program continue to work on and complete my first novel!
Spent 2012, and 2013 searching for a literary agent, to no avail. In 2014 I’d really like to find someone to help me further my writing.
My aspiration is to find an agent interested in my stories so I can share them with everyone.
To find a publisher who will buy and promote the two books I self published. A WAY OUT in October 2012 and A MOTHER NEVER FORGETS, in May, 2013.
I aspire to write either a play, short story, or book on how to help mentally ill folks and show how to treat them–we all have our lost moments. I wish to make this somewhat entertaining; similar but different from “Silver linings” I also wish to change the sex of the plot to keep it all “confidential.” Healings, Blessings, Peace and Thanks, Have a Great Thanksgiving!
For the last two months I have been writing — and will continue to write — a short story every day for the rest of my life.
In 2014 I aspire to provide intuitive guidance and heart-centered information to help people achieve the highest expression of their health and well-being, manifest fulfillment, and recognize their gifts and inner light — through my work with individuals using my own gifts, and by getting “The Other Medicine That Really Works” into the hands of the people who need it on a larger scale, and by finishing my second book manuscript.
To write the next book and to keep promoting the first one!
I want to help all Americans et al to learn about the feelings of mentally ill folks and how better to help them. I hope to do this through a play or movie or short book with pathos and humor.
My aspiration is my flaming desire to write the memoirs of the travels of my son and I as we navigated the new territory of living with the up and down sides of his being born addicted to methamphetimine. At the time, 20 years ago, doctors could not tell you what the manifestations of the drugs would be throughout the life of a child because meth was not a popular drug then. This has been a first generation drug. I feel a true calling to get our story out there in order that other people and especially adoptive parents will have a backdrop for what their lives can possibly hold. It is a story of heartbreak and overcoming it. It is above all a healing story of hope. It needs to be told!
My aspiration is to create a quilt that interprets classical music with fabric!
I aspire to live out of a place of love and health and wholeness, not from a place of fear and worry and anxiety. I aspire to a return to joy.
To quit life for about 3 months hop on the back of a bike & document an adventure across this great Country – & hopefully turn it into a book
Get my third book, The Healing Path Home, out by May 2014. Open a Holistic Healing Center.
Today is a combination realization and aspiration! I’ve always tried to change things, make things better, but nothing works. Then, just today, I realized that, as I set my focus on my aspiration, everything else falls away or into focus – whichever it should be….without much effort from me! I aspire to write – purposefully.
To see each work I have written reaching the hands and minds of others, touching people’s hearts, out in the world reaping rewards as each was meant to be. Let me find the avenues to get my two novels published, see my children’s video produced, see my TV series actually on TV, release my plush toys with stories and songs to the world. Let me find my place.
My aspiration is to create a community space for Christians and seekers to practice faith through contemplative living, yoga, nonviolence and fair trade.
I aspire to write an inspiring book for children of all ages.
My aspiration is to finish my first of many books,”Luke and Mud” the story of the unconditional love of an extraordinary dog for an extraordinary boy with Autism. I have launched an excerpt to rave reviews and need to finish and launch! My hope is that it will honor Mud’s life of service AND to serve as inspiration to all who live with Autism that a diagnosis is not a life sentence.
To write my book by April, 2015.
I aspire to have my creative endeavors recognized globally.
To know and be absolute Truth.
My aspiration is to use my new book as the gospel for building digital trust. Whether in classrooms, conferences, on the web, or in board rooms, helping people connect with, and truly build and achieve trust, in the digital space that surrounds us, is my best use.
My aspiration is to continue writing my story and publish, as it seems to have already helped so many of my friends along the way. I am truly humbled knowing that in others reading my memoirs, I am able to help ease their pain and suffering a little.
I desire to simply be my very best in body, soul and Spirit, and to make a difference in the lives of others. I desire to encourage and inspire others, especially my children, grandchildren and husband to live the life unique to them.
I desire to live from the inside out: From a deep, inner place of resting in God and looking to Him first and then allowing Him to move me as He wills in the outer world. I desire to live a life free from fear and to be open to new possibilities. I want to break out of the old ways of thinking and learn how to live fully for however long I may have left on this earth. I want to learn how to truly love others to wholeness.
To break out of the fear that has kept me from connecting with people. To learn to share the love in my heart that God has given me. I desire to be my best in body, soul and Spirit and let God use me to make a difference somehow in the lives of others.
I aspire to publish my journals that relate my 20+ year journey of healing from childhood abuse and my corresponding growth in Christ. It is my dream that others would read and be helped by my experiences.
To actually write something and get it published.
To become more pure in spirit. To live in the now. To be more productive in any task I begin.
Being still and appreciative of being in my own company. For some, social situations and “Alone ” time can be uncomfortable and cause anxiety that is difficult to put into words, address and seek help for.
My offering this year
is to seize every opportunity
I am aware enough to recognize
as a step toward
the itty bitty chance there may be
I seek to become more spiritual. Having rejected religion, I want to find the deeper meaning of creation
To leave a nagging,questioning feeling in more people’s heads that wont go away. One day (or night) they will WAKE UP and say, “Ah Ah, now I get it!” They are then able to see a larger reality than they ever have before. They will see the false prophets and power mongers of the current society for what they are and will continue on their journey, with fresh insight, toward personal and communal fulfillment.